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April 24, 2008 Hot Trends

Listing vitamins as drugs 'int'l trend': DOH - The China Pos

Thu, 24 Apr 2008 01:05:57 PDT
TAIPEI, Taiwan -- Responding to an outcry over the high price of vitamin products in Taiwan, an official of the Department of Health (DOH) explained yesterday that it is because most vitamins are marketed in Taiwan as drugs.

Health Buzz: A Nalgene Lawsuit and Other Health News - U.S. News & World Report

Health Buzz: A Nalgene Lawsuit and Other Health News
U.S. News & World Report, DC - 1 hour ago
A recent special report in US News explains how to tell if your drugs are safe (and why they might not be). People who get migraines are more likely to ...

Health board staff frustrated by news-release delays, probe hears - Globe and Mail

Health board staff frustrated by news-release delays, probe hears
Globe and Mail, Canada - 7 minutes ago
JOHN'S — The former CEO of Newfoundland and Labrador's largest health board says he faced a growing expectation to run news releases by the provincial ...

Insight: Foreign investors shun cheap US assets

Wed, 23 Apr 2008 20:21:41 PDT
The more the dollar slumps against the euro, yen and other currencies, the cheaper it is for foreign investors to snap up US assets. That’s the theory. But reality is far different.Foreign purchases of US assets have actually declined over the past six months. Rather than push deeper into the US, foreign investors are in retreat – a bad trend

Diese Schuhe tragen uns stilvoll durch den Sommer

Thu, 24 Apr 2008 01:51:22 PDT
Es gibt sie, die Schuhe, die frau jedes Jahr tragen kann. Sie liegen immer im Trend und schmücken jeden Sommer wieder unsere Füße. Riemchensandaletten, Pumps und einfache Schlappen gehören dazu. Ballerinas und Chucks feierten vor einigen Jahren ihr großes Comeback und jetzt ist auch der Peetoe wieder da. Die Modelle für den kommenden Sommer sind ni

Pro PR’s Joe Thornley on the Toronto Social Media Scene, Measurement

Thu, 24 Apr 2008 08:53:48 PDT
At SNCR NewComm Forum, Pro PR’s Joe Thornley took time to chat with the Buzz Bin. Joe attends many of these industry leading events and has some incredible knowledge and perspective on the trends. This two minute plus video highlights Toronto’s burgeoning social media scene and the upcoming social media measurement round table Joe will be hosting in late May.

Money News Delivers Travel and Holiday Insurance News for HolidayMakers

Sat, 05 Aug 2006 00:00:01 PDT

Technology trends in mobile devices (Business Weekly)

Thu, 24 Apr 2008 06:08:47 PDT
Part of my role as a researcher within BT’s Devices Research Group is to track and understand technology trends in mobile devices, in order to understand the impact that they will have on BT and its customers in the future. I want to share some of those insights with you.

The Future is Now: Plasma Laser Traffic Lights

Thu, 24 Apr 2008 10:00:26 PDT
A strange yet nearly practical idea from designer Hanyoung Lee, this virtual wall could spell the way forward for increased pedestrian safety in large urban centers. The virtual barrier is created using a plasma laser that, while not strong enough to damage humans or vehicles, provides a stunningly powerful visual effect that would seem to effectively communicate where vehicles should stop before crosswalks. The wall would clearly indicate to cars when and where to stop by projecting the las

Video - Charles Maxwell Says $300/Barrel Oil by 2020

Thu, 24 Apr 2008 09:40:41 PDT
Video - Charles Maxwell Says $300/Barrel Oil by 2020 As global oil consumption rises and oil production peaks and ebbs, prices will shoot higher — a lot higher, says Maxwell. Maxwell forecasts $180 oil by 2015, and $300 a barrel by 2020. (Courtesy Yahoo Tech Ticker) Charles Maxwell Bio: Educated at Princeton as an undergraduate and Oxford as a graduate, Charles T. Maxwell entered the oil industry in 1957 and worked for a major international oil company for 12 years in the US, Europe, the Mi

Entertainment News, Celebrity News,

Wed, 26 Dec 2007 09:25:52 PST
Entertainment News, Celebrity News, Movie News, Music News, TV News - AOL News,World News

Latest property search trends - US insight

Thu, 24 Apr 2008 09:01:19 PDT
Understanding how property buyers use search engines should be the starting point for any agent keen to maximise online lead generation. Several significant studies from the US, including the latest results of a bi-annual longitudinal survey of 2,400 consumers, provide some interesting insights into how consumer behaviour is changing.

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