9:36 AM
April 19, 2008 News and Trends
Girl games
Tue, 15 Apr 2008 09:25:33 PDT
White capris? Wedges? Polka dots? Summer trends can be hard to mix and match. Here's how you can make all the trends work just for you. Girl games
Motor Trend: Is the Earth still producing oil?
Fri, 18 Apr 2008 21:50:24 PDT
Lost in the big news last week -- the race for the Democratic nomination, the reeling U.S. economy, the ongoing life/death saga that is "Dancing with the Stars" -- came word that a new deep-water exploration area off the coast of Brazil could contain as much as 33 billion barrels of oil.
World's News Headlines Still Reeling with Doom and Gloom, but Economic and Business News Strongly Upbeat, New Metric Finds
Thu, 03 Jan 2008 00:00:01 PST
Although news organizations around the world worked to bring their audiences a good mix of stories and feature articles, on balance, the news for the first day of 2008 featured more negative stories...
Research and Markets: New Brief Highlights the Main Trends That Datamonitor Anticipates in the Identity & Access ... (Centre Daily Times)
Fri, 18 Apr 2008 09:27:19 PDT
Research and Markets (http://www.researchandmarkets.com/reports/c89157) has announced the addition of Datamonitor's new report: 2008 Trends to Watch: Identity & Access Management to their offering.
Local News (Cornwall Standard Freeholder)
Thu, 17 Apr 2008 05:13:05 PDT
Things were on a roll bright and early Wednesday morning with the launch of this year's Bike-A-Thon Plus kick-off breakfast at the civic complex.
Garden trends reflect our life and times - Hillsboro Argus - OregonLive.com
Future of the bluegrass CD?
Sat, 19 Apr 2008 05:30:02 PDT
Future of the bluegrass CD? posted by John on 04.19.08 @ 8:30 am Tag: Industry News In this installment of our interview series with bluegrass label heads, we’ll look at how they see the distribution model for bluegrass changing in the near term. As before, we spoke with Dave Freeman of Rebel Records, Ken Irwin of Rounder Records, Sam Passamano of Rural Rhythm Records and Tom Riggs of Pinecastle Records. The first question in this realm we asked was “Have you seen the promotion of sin
Great Live ulcerative colitis forum in Pittsburgh
Tue, 15 Apr 2008 13:10:57 PDT
Learning and awareness. Free forum with expert speakers, Q&A, Free meal. Learn about current treatments, trends, nutrition, and more. Great event. Highly recommended. Great for all Crohn's and Colitis patients, family, and friends.
Girl games
Tue, 15 Apr 2008 09:25:33 PDT
White capris? Wedges? Polka dots? Summer trends can be hard to mix and match. Here's how you can make all the trends work just for you. Girl games
Some analysts less favorable towards News Corp (Reuters via Yahoo! News)
Fri, 18 Apr 2008 02:06:53 PDT
News Corp. shares have been Wall Street favorites in recent years, but in recent days a couple of analysts have cut their rating and/or price target on the media conglomerate's stock, citing growth concerns, particularly at its online assets, led by MySpace.
FUTURES FILE: Economic news overseas drives up commodities (The Times of Northwest Indiana)
Sat, 19 Apr 2008 00:58:37 PDT
Many observers of U.S. commodities are used to the fact that international news can play a major part in the day-to-day price swings.
Fri, 18 Apr 2008 21:44:40 PDT
The stereotype of the Asian sex slave captures the Australian imagination. Even when the federal police uncovered the Thai woman's high school diploma, proudly displayed in her family home, and discovered she did not arrive in Australia until aged 21, the image endured of pre-pubescent Asian girls chained to beds in back rooms with barred windows.
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News | Hot News | Hot Trends | Trends | Current News
Tue, 15 Apr 2008 09:25:33 PDT
White capris? Wedges? Polka dots? Summer trends can be hard to mix and match. Here's how you can make all the trends work just for you. Girl games
Motor Trend: Is the Earth still producing oil?
Fri, 18 Apr 2008 21:50:24 PDT
Lost in the big news last week -- the race for the Democratic nomination, the reeling U.S. economy, the ongoing life/death saga that is "Dancing with the Stars" -- came word that a new deep-water exploration area off the coast of Brazil could contain as much as 33 billion barrels of oil.
World's News Headlines Still Reeling with Doom and Gloom, but Economic and Business News Strongly Upbeat, New Metric Finds
Thu, 03 Jan 2008 00:00:01 PST
Although news organizations around the world worked to bring their audiences a good mix of stories and feature articles, on balance, the news for the first day of 2008 featured more negative stories...
Research and Markets: New Brief Highlights the Main Trends That Datamonitor Anticipates in the Identity & Access ... (Centre Daily Times)
Fri, 18 Apr 2008 09:27:19 PDT
Research and Markets (http://www.researchandmarkets.com/reports/c89157) has announced the addition of Datamonitor's new report: 2008 Trends to Watch: Identity & Access Management to their offering.
Local News (Cornwall Standard Freeholder)
Thu, 17 Apr 2008 05:13:05 PDT
Things were on a roll bright and early Wednesday morning with the launch of this year's Bike-A-Thon Plus kick-off breakfast at the civic complex.
Garden trends reflect our life and times - Hillsboro Argus - OregonLive.com
Garden trends reflect our life and times Hillsboro Argus - OregonLive.com, OR - 17 hours ago Over the past several years gardening trends have not changed as much as we might think. Regional climate, as well as lifestyle, affect our tastes more than ... |
Future of the bluegrass CD?
Sat, 19 Apr 2008 05:30:02 PDT
Future of the bluegrass CD? posted by John on 04.19.08 @ 8:30 am Tag: Industry News In this installment of our interview series with bluegrass label heads, we’ll look at how they see the distribution model for bluegrass changing in the near term. As before, we spoke with Dave Freeman of Rebel Records, Ken Irwin of Rounder Records, Sam Passamano of Rural Rhythm Records and Tom Riggs of Pinecastle Records. The first question in this realm we asked was “Have you seen the promotion of sin
Great Live ulcerative colitis forum in Pittsburgh
Tue, 15 Apr 2008 13:10:57 PDT
Learning and awareness. Free forum with expert speakers, Q&A, Free meal. Learn about current treatments, trends, nutrition, and more. Great event. Highly recommended. Great for all Crohn's and Colitis patients, family, and friends.
Girl games
Tue, 15 Apr 2008 09:25:33 PDT
White capris? Wedges? Polka dots? Summer trends can be hard to mix and match. Here's how you can make all the trends work just for you. Girl games
Some analysts less favorable towards News Corp (Reuters via Yahoo! News)
Fri, 18 Apr 2008 02:06:53 PDT
News Corp. shares have been Wall Street favorites in recent years, but in recent days a couple of analysts have cut their rating and/or price target on the media conglomerate's stock, citing growth concerns, particularly at its online assets, led by MySpace.
FUTURES FILE: Economic news overseas drives up commodities (The Times of Northwest Indiana)
Sat, 19 Apr 2008 00:58:37 PDT
Many observers of U.S. commodities are used to the fact that international news can play a major part in the day-to-day price swings.
Fri, 18 Apr 2008 21:44:40 PDT
The stereotype of the Asian sex slave captures the Australian imagination. Even when the federal police uncovered the Thai woman's high school diploma, proudly displayed in her family home, and discovered she did not arrive in Australia until aged 21, the image endured of pre-pubescent Asian girls chained to beds in back rooms with barred windows.
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