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April 24, 2008 Breaking News

The Future of Web Apps

Tue, 15 Apr 2008 06:08:12 PDT
The Future of Web Apps showcases the successful web technologies and business trends of the future, delivered by the pioneers of today. Attended by all the major European and US start-ups and industry experts, it's the best place to learn directly from the developers, designers and entrepreneurs behind the web's brightest stars in a relaxed and...

Genetic Nondiscrimination Bill Clears Congress

Thu, 24 Apr 2008 14:45:32 PDT
I suppose, when discrimination concern everyone, congress doesn't mind supporting it. This is good news though. Onward and upward.

Schneider headed to the DL

Thu, 24 Apr 2008 13:39:04 PDT
The Daily News reports that catcher Brian Schneider might be headed to the DL. Schneider just flew back to NY with an infected left thumb.Gustavo Molina could be called up pending the seriousness of this injury.

‘Disturbing Trends in Teens’to be presented for officials and ... - Canton Daily Ledger

‘Disturbing Trends in Teens’to be presented for officials and ...
Canton Daily Ledger, IL - 5 hours ago
"Disturbing Trends in Teens," a four-hour workshop for educators, social service providers, law enforcement, health care providers, and parents, ...

New Technology: Finding the best tech trends

Tue, 15 Apr 2008 10:33:49 PDT
“Trends can get an investor into trouble. Oftentimes, an investor will put too much stake in how he believes a particular trend will shape up, yet neglect his most important decision: The company whose shares he chooses to buy!” — Greg Guenther

Blind Author gives away free E-Books - The Visual Executive

Tue, 15 Apr 2008 11:19:36 PDT
"After going blind I realized how visually dependent our world is becoming. It is a frightening trend! Therefore I freely share my free e-books on personal and organizational transformation to illustrate the dangers, challenges and solutions to this visual phenomenon."

Canadian socialist IRONY DU JOUR: CBC calls Zimbabwe’s media “state-run”

Thu, 17 Apr 2008 12:35:21 PDT
Canadian socialist IRONY DU JOUR: CBC calls Zimbabwe’s media “state-run” This morning, the state-run, state-owned CBC Newsworld state-media employed news anchor, Suhana Meharchand, referred to Zimbabwe’s “state-run news media” and how they are accusing the political opposition of treason. Canada’s state-owned, state-run CBC never refers to itself that way! Now. Countdown to liberals and sundry leftist and downright Marxist CBC apologists emailing me those seething reprimands insisting

Canada - Mortgage Insurance is NOT a sure thing

Tue, 12 Feb 2008 11:56:10 PST
"MarketPlace" was broadcasted on Feb 6 and re-ran on CBC NewsWorld on Feb 9. It was about claims made and declined by the major banks (and their underwriter Canada Life) regarding mortgage insurance that the borrowers took when they assumed their mortgage.Link: Debuts New“Happy and Upbeat News” Category

Mon, 16 Jan 2006 00:00:01 PST
WEST PALM BEACH, Florida (PRWEB) January 16, 2006 -- All Headline News Corp., a leading news and content syndicator, today announced the launch of its“Upbeat and Happy” News content and...

Flashgames - Trends in Girls' Fashion

Tue, 15 Apr 2008 09:27:35 PDT
Because you need to look best for Back to School, you need to know exactly what trends will make the grade for 2007. What looks will send you to the head of the class? Flashgames

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