4:01 AM
April 08, 2008 News and Trends
Following Startups & Tech Trends - BeamMe.Info
Sun, 06 Apr 2008 21:46:39 PDT
Today we are covering a new startup in mobile and advertising space - BeamMe.InfoCo founded by, Alex Macpherson, Brad Down, Tim Murray, in 2007, BeamMe.Info is a web platform that allows website owners to add a Send to Mobile button alongside relevant and valuable content their visitors/users might be looking for.
SPC Severe Thunderstorm Watch 171
Tue, 08 Apr 2008 00:31:05 PDT
0171... More news items below the overview graphic. Updated: Tuesday, 08-Apr-2008 02:30:20 CDT For best viewing experience, please enable browser JavaScript/Active Scripting. Overview | Conv. Outlooks | Watches |
What I bookmarked today
Mon, 07 Apr 2008 23:59:19 PDT
Virtual Worlds News: Online Community Handipoints Creates Virtual World Handipoints, an online community aimed at helping parents encourage good behavior in children, has launched HandiLand, a virtual world tied to the same concept of encouraging real-world action. Users earn points by completing tasks set by their parents. The points can then be used for in-world purchases like cartoons or games or for real-world rewards set by parents. Targeted at kids aged 4 to 12, HandiLand is positionin
82% - Immigrant's Contribution to US Population Growth (Pew via Yahoo! News)
Mon, 07 Apr 2008 21:00:00 PDT
If current trends continue, the population of the United States will rise to 438 million in 2050, from 296 million in 2005, and 82% of the increase will be due to immigrants arriving from 2005 to 2050 and their U.S.-born descendants, according to new projections developed by the Pew Research Center.
'UK is European center of anti-Semitism'
Mon, 07 Apr 2008 14:38:39 PDT
Last week the Jerusalem Post reported on a recent lecture given by Israeli historian Robert Wistrich. During his address to the JCPA, Wistrich made his case for the UK being a nation of anti-Semites, proclaiming it as "the epicenter for anti-Semitic trends in Europe". "Anti-Semitism in GB...has been around for 1000 years of recorded history."
Dynamic channels come and go with the zeitgeist
Mon, 07 Apr 2008 23:51:26 PDT
Smart idea… Story-specific radio channels that pop up for just a few days to cover stories that capture the public imagination, and then disappear, along with the story… The two big US satellite radio operators - Sirius and XM - did just that in response to the Elliot Spitzer sex scandal story. They also launched a channel to cover the opening of the baseball season - for three days - and then closed it. (XM and Sirius have just received permission from the US regulator to merge their busine
AMD Low Sales and Job Cuts
Mon, 07 Apr 2008 23:07:11 PDT
Chipmaker Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) joined the growing chorus of semiconductor companies with bad news to report, saying on Apr. 7 that its sales for the quarter just ended will come in below expectations. AMD said it will cut its workforce by about 10%, or more than 1,600 jobs, by the end of the third quarter.
Following Startups & Tech Trends - BeamMe.Info
Sun, 06 Apr 2008 21:46:39 PDT
Today we are covering a new startup in mobile and advertising space - BeamMe.InfoCo founded by, Alex Macpherson, Brad Down, Tim Murray, in 2007, BeamMe.Info is a web platform that allows website owners to add a Send to Mobile button alongside relevant and valuable content their visitors/users might be looking for.
cheat codes game cheats computer at CHEATENGINE.NET
Tue, 08 Apr 2008 00:32:14 PDT
cheat codes game cheats computer at CHEATENGINE.NET April 8th, 2008 No Comments » where can you get a maple story leveling hack cheat Source: CHEATENGINE.NET How To Use Game Cheats for Tamagotchi Town | eHow.com Home Hobbies, Games & Toys Video, Computer & Internet Games Game Cheats & Cheat How to Use Game Cheats for Tamagotchi Town. By eHow Hobbies, Games Source: www.ehow.com StarCraft game help, tips, and cheats Information, help, tips and cheats for the computer game StarCraft Quick li
Sun, 06 Apr 2008 21:46:39 PDT
Today we are covering a new startup in mobile and advertising space - BeamMe.InfoCo founded by, Alex Macpherson, Brad Down, Tim Murray, in 2007, BeamMe.Info is a web platform that allows website owners to add a Send to Mobile button alongside relevant and valuable content their visitors/users might be looking for.
SPC Severe Thunderstorm Watch 171
Tue, 08 Apr 2008 00:31:05 PDT
0171... More news items below the overview graphic. Updated: Tuesday, 08-Apr-2008 02:30:20 CDT For best viewing experience, please enable browser JavaScript/Active Scripting. Overview | Conv. Outlooks | Watches |
What I bookmarked today
Mon, 07 Apr 2008 23:59:19 PDT
Virtual Worlds News: Online Community Handipoints Creates Virtual World Handipoints, an online community aimed at helping parents encourage good behavior in children, has launched HandiLand, a virtual world tied to the same concept of encouraging real-world action. Users earn points by completing tasks set by their parents. The points can then be used for in-world purchases like cartoons or games or for real-world rewards set by parents. Targeted at kids aged 4 to 12, HandiLand is positionin
82% - Immigrant's Contribution to US Population Growth (Pew via Yahoo! News)
Mon, 07 Apr 2008 21:00:00 PDT
If current trends continue, the population of the United States will rise to 438 million in 2050, from 296 million in 2005, and 82% of the increase will be due to immigrants arriving from 2005 to 2050 and their U.S.-born descendants, according to new projections developed by the Pew Research Center.
'UK is European center of anti-Semitism'
Mon, 07 Apr 2008 14:38:39 PDT
Last week the Jerusalem Post reported on a recent lecture given by Israeli historian Robert Wistrich. During his address to the JCPA, Wistrich made his case for the UK being a nation of anti-Semites, proclaiming it as "the epicenter for anti-Semitic trends in Europe". "Anti-Semitism in GB...has been around for 1000 years of recorded history."
Dynamic channels come and go with the zeitgeist
Mon, 07 Apr 2008 23:51:26 PDT
Smart idea… Story-specific radio channels that pop up for just a few days to cover stories that capture the public imagination, and then disappear, along with the story… The two big US satellite radio operators - Sirius and XM - did just that in response to the Elliot Spitzer sex scandal story. They also launched a channel to cover the opening of the baseball season - for three days - and then closed it. (XM and Sirius have just received permission from the US regulator to merge their busine
AMD Low Sales and Job Cuts
Mon, 07 Apr 2008 23:07:11 PDT
Chipmaker Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) joined the growing chorus of semiconductor companies with bad news to report, saying on Apr. 7 that its sales for the quarter just ended will come in below expectations. AMD said it will cut its workforce by about 10%, or more than 1,600 jobs, by the end of the third quarter.
Following Startups & Tech Trends - BeamMe.Info
Sun, 06 Apr 2008 21:46:39 PDT
Today we are covering a new startup in mobile and advertising space - BeamMe.InfoCo founded by, Alex Macpherson, Brad Down, Tim Murray, in 2007, BeamMe.Info is a web platform that allows website owners to add a Send to Mobile button alongside relevant and valuable content their visitors/users might be looking for.
cheat codes game cheats computer at CHEATENGINE.NET
Tue, 08 Apr 2008 00:32:14 PDT
cheat codes game cheats computer at CHEATENGINE.NET April 8th, 2008 No Comments » where can you get a maple story leveling hack cheat Source: CHEATENGINE.NET How To Use Game Cheats for Tamagotchi Town | eHow.com Home Hobbies, Games & Toys Video, Computer & Internet Games Game Cheats & Cheat How to Use Game Cheats for Tamagotchi Town. By eHow Hobbies, Games Source: www.ehow.com StarCraft game help, tips, and cheats Information, help, tips and cheats for the computer game StarCraft Quick li