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Hot trends for April 28, 2008

Of Economic Woes, Fears, And Hunger

Sat, 19 Apr 2008 14:49:51 PDT
In catching up on economic news this week, I've noticed a trend toward real world reports. It's as though a few in the media have awakened to the fact that a large segment of our population is struggling to just get by -- which for regular folks isn't exactly news, but it's a welcome change from the usual indifference.

New Report from Aite Group Reviews Consumer Adoption Trends for - Bobsguide (press release)

New Report from Aite Group Reviews Consumer Adoption Trends for
Bobsguide (press release), UK - 4 hours ago
A new report from Aite Group, LLC reviews consumer adoption trends for key online and mobile banking services over the next two years. ...

How People Explain Female Geeks

Mon, 28 Apr 2008 13:00:39 PDT
A question that comes up a lot in the course of my research and blogging, both implicitly and explicitly, is why geek culture is typically described and understood as a male phenomenon, and why female involvement needs some sort of special explanation. This has been on my mind a lot lately for a few reasons, not least of which being the articles that occasionally cross my screen. It’s no great secret that most of the pursuits thought of as “geeky” see greater participation among males than a

Tiny transistors and big mortgage headaches

Sun, 20 Apr 2008 07:44:02 PDT
Graphene may herald the development of the world's smallest, fastest transistors. Meanwhile, the Bank of England is greasing the skids for mortgage traders in the UK, while here in America, Merrill Lynch writes down $6.5 billion in debt, and it's actually considered good news.

Oil prices jump after news of shots fired in Gulf (USA Today)

Mon, 28 Apr 2008 05:54:53 PDT
Oil prices rose sharply Friday on news that a ship under contract to the U.S. Defense Department fired warning shots at two Iranian boats. Retail gas prices as expected rose further into record territory, nearing $3.60 a gallon.

Times, P-I daily circulations increase, contrary to national industry trends (Seattle Times)

Mon, 28 Apr 2008 06:52:00 PDT
Bucking industry trends, both Seattle daily newspapers reported small increases in weekday circulation today.

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